Margarita Kindergarten Patisia, Galatsi, Nea Philadelphia, Ag Anargyroi, Perissos Kypseli

Innovative Programs and Actions

Our Kindergarten actively participates in the implementation of innovative educational programs approved for Primary Education and adapted suitable for preschool children.

Awareness of students / trio on issues of major importance, the cultivation of positive attitudes and values of life, as well as their involvement in events with socio-cultural impact outside the classroom, strengthen critical thinking and contribute to the formation of children's personality .



"Teachers4Europe: Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture" is a highly innovative Erasmus + KA3 (policy-making) program aimed at enhancing cooperation with schools in other European countries, in from the exchange of practices and the implementation of group work plans.

Our Kindergarten belongs to the Network of Teachers "Teacher4Europe - T4E" , which was formed in Greece by the Delegation of the European Commission. The project is coordinated by the University of Piraeus, through the Jean Monnet Chair in Education, Training, Research and Innovation Policies of the European Union.

Main objectives of the program

  • Familiarization of children with the phenomenon of the European Union and its values ​​

  • Understanding basic human rights, cultivating acceptance and respect for diversity

  • Approach to general democratic principles

  • Forming a democratic culture at school

  • Experiential approach and understanding of the concepts of solidarity, equality & justice

  • The children of our Kindergarten participated with great enthusiasm in all phases of the program, proposing ideas and taking an active part in the design and implementation of the activities. They had the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings, discuss and listen to others as active listeners, engaging in dialogue, enhancing their oral speech and communication skills. In addition, through the dramatic arts, they were able to experiment with conflict resolution techniques, negotiate possible solutions, and participate in decision-making votes. Through the empirical familiarization of children with the development of democratic behavior in the classroom, the adoption of attitudes and values ​​in everyday life is sought.

The "Children Defenders Schools" - UNICEF program focuses on the protection of children's rights, helping to combat phenomena such as school bullying, racism and discrimination. Through the elaboration of the content of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the cultivation of values ​​and the formation of a social school is promoted, which promotes teamwork, cooperation and solidarity.

The main goals of the program are to raise children's awareness of the problems of their peers in the world, to promote the Convention on the Rights of the Child and to strengthen the work of UNICEF.

Through fun and interactive activities, the students of our Kindergarten had the opportunity to learn about the basic rights of the child, as provided in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (the right to education, health, nutrition, protection against exploitation and abuse). They were also able to learn about the living conditions of children from developing countries and to actively contribute to helping children from vulnerable social groups, cultivating their empathy and solidarity.


The program "The child, the city and the monuments" belongs to the Educational Programs of Environmental Education and Cultural Affairs, of the Directorate of Primary Education of the University of Athens. It is an important initiative of the Municipality of Athens, concerns the schools of Athens and is implemented by Technopolis.

The main goal of the program is to cultivate and promote the concept of statehood (active citizenship) , to develop skills and to divert children's interest in the city, through appropriate stimuli to get to know her better, learn to love and protect her.

The students of our Kindergarten had the opportunity through a wide range of experiential activities, to discover the aesthetic value of outdoor sculptures, to explore the connection of monuments and buildings with the city and its history, to get to know the neighborhood of the school, to study a sculpture in the neighborhood and in the city, to visit museums, to express creatively their ideas for the public space and the sculptures, to present the results of their work in a joint event and exhibition in Technopolis and in general, to prepare to become responsible and active citizens of tomorrow.


The educational digital program "Life Without Garbage: reduction, reuse, recycling" was designed by the scientific team of the Experiential School in collaboration with the Aluminum Recycling Center. The program concerns Primary schools and is a multi-level process.

The aim of the program is to inform, sensitize and ultimately activate students about environmental protection and recycling.

The children of our Kindergarten were able, through many attractive, experiential and digital activities, to get acquainted with the recycling process, to gain knowledge about aluminum recycling, to become aware and to adopt positive attitudes and behaviors for protection. of the enviroment. At the same time, they created beautiful group and individual works, and had fun playing.

Information about the bodies and the actions of the programs can be found on their official websites.

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