Margarita Kindergarten Patisia, Galatsi, Nea Philadelphia, Ag Anargyroi, Perissos Kypseli


In our baby ward, the spaces and conditions are typical of the family environment of this age. Protected and safe environment, for the child to move comfortably and safely. Rich in stimuli that cause, the child to observe, to be interested, to rejoice.

Our primary goal is the care and safety of children. Our actions are shaped according to the age characteristics, needs and special features of the team. The uniqueness of each child concerns us very much. We strive for a comprehensive motor, mental, social and psycho-emotional development of children.

We pay close attention to our daily routine, or which is related to meeting the basic needs of children (proper nutrition, physical hygiene - hand washing, diaper change, container treatment, rest).

Our main aspirations

  • The development of gross mobility, by strengthening the muscles for proper gait, running, balance, posture

  • The development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements during meals or related activities

  • Learning basic hygiene rules while developing the corresponding skills

  • Satisfying their need for autonomy and self-care, the need for interaction with the caregiver

  • The approach to learning mainly through the senses

  • Cultivating the imagination and symbolic use of objects

  • Improving speech with verbal exercises, Enriching children's vocabulary (mother tongue development)

  • Enhancing the perception, understanding and observance of simple rules

  • The sharpening of reflexes and visual-motor coordination

  • Enhancing their expression through movement and dance and releasing energy

  • The interaction of children-group and children with educators

  • Gaining a sense of self


Our program includes:

  • Motor & music kinetic activities

  • Fine & coarse mobility games

  • Team Games

  • Theatrical play- Imitation- Puppetry

  • Toy with objects (puzzles, wedges, building materials, balls, animals, dolls, dough, etc.)

  • Color Games

  • Listening and distinguishing sounds

  • Children's songs

  • Storytelling - reading short stories

  • Rhythm games

  • Sensory toys (different textures, colors, sharp and simple images, different smells)

  • Audiovisual games

  • Creative crafts & constructions

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