Margarita Kindergarten Patisia, Galatsi, Nea Philadelphia, Ag Anargyroi, Perissos Kypseli

Our Partners

Smiling Daisy

Our engagement with kindergarten begins in 1972. From the very beginning, our goal was to help the child acquire the potential to meet the demands of modern education

The modern concept of educating a child of this age defines a framework where many factors are involved, which must be balanced and measured in order for the education to be correct and effective.

The kindergarten child must move in an environment of protection from injustice and bad behavior. In an environment of boundaries, responsibility, assurance, mutual respect. To have a multitude of stimuli that push him to deal with things, to get into situations and to try to interpret them. Taste rewards for his successes, as well as frustrations for his failures, so as to make the interpretation compass crisis rather than the cliché data from the environment. The school environment should properly manage the child's successes and failures to help and protect the child.

Knowledge has many sources and modes of transmission. Concerning the school environment at least, care must be taken to ensure that knowledge is responsibly, scientifically sound, and delivered in a manner and at a level of understanding by the child. To pursue a holistic approach to knowledge and to exploit the knowledge and experiential reserves of each child. Thus knowledge becomes the property of the child so that it can be supplemented in the future and not challenged by the child causing confusion.

The instruments that the kindergarten must use must be selected and serve the purpose for which they were acquired. To serve the child's knowledge and emotional development, an area of ​​particular importance, since in the absence of mental balance and the inconvenience of the child staying at school greatly restricts the child's ability to absorb new knowledge into things and situations.

A child is ready to attend the next, kindergarten, school level, when he is disciplined by rules, confident, has acquired age-related knowledge, has acquired remarkable, subtle and coarse mobility, knows to respect and requires respect for it, can work well together, and make the school environment feel like a place of offering and creativity.

Of course, the proper operation of the kindergarten is not an easy task, nor is it done with words and slogans. It requires a lot of serious work. It requires proficiency, character, level, sensitivities, boldness, constant updating, filtering innovations, pedagogical awareness, respect for individuality, respect for individuality, sense of balance within the group, making a bid.

We try. We keep the taste and appetite we had starting, after all, we became a way of life. The easy solutions away from us. We know the road well after so many years. Those who trusted us are witnesses to our work. Their very positive judgment on our work makes us feel full about our contribution and we thank them in particular for the cooperation and recognition of our work ..

At the end of the year, stating the results of our effort throughout the year, we have a feeling of reassurance that our children, their goals and expectations at the beginning of the year have far exceeded their expectations. A sense of deep emotion touches our souls, thinking that these goals and aspirations are not about naked and infertile knowledge, because it is rough, epidemic, temporary, but is fermented by an environment of crisis. aesthetics, art, empathy, humanity, elements that are a prerequisite for a meaningful and creative life, a life with content that moves in the footsteps of the right destination for man.

Child Safety
Bus Service
Art Class

Our Benefits

What we offer.

  • abc-block


  • exam


  • bell


  • university


  • dancer

    Rhythmic - Dance

  • music-player


  • books


  • basketball


The parents of the children tell us


We would like to thank you warmly for the love and care you have given to our daughter Ariadne in the two very important years that have been close to you ...


"But why can't I go to MARGARITA next year? I'm very happy with my school! " This is how the first discussion about moving to Elementary Primary with our son Dimitris began ...


We would like to thank you warmly for the love and care you have given to our daughter Ariadne in the two very important years that have been close to you ...

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